Do you recall when Y2K went along, and everybody was counting down the New Year's, half anticipating that every one of the lights should go out and the ability to go off, and sheer disorder to follow all through our general public and civilization? As you probably are aware, nothing occurred, however in everybody's sub-conscience, maybe they were contemplating whether the horrendous disappointment of our foundation and all of our PC networks which run everything would really implode. OK along these lines, we should discuss this for second. There was a fascinating article with regards to Government Executive on January 23, 2012 named; "Programmers controlled rail line PCs, TSA notice says," by Aliya Sternstein. The article expressed; "Programmers, conceivably from abroad, executed a designated assault on a Northwest rail organization's PCs that disturbed rail line signals for two days in December, as per an administration notice recapping effort with the trans...
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